The connected vehicle

The advent of Intelligent Transport Systems has provided new opportunities for improving the safety and efficiency of the road network. The development of intelligent vehicles, connected by wireless networks to the roadside infrastructure, brings opportunities and issues which are being discussed in this report produced by a joint task force of the World Road Association (PIARC) and the International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA).
The connected vehicle is no longer a research concept but a reality. After an introduction to current developments, the report provides an analysis of the issues from different business perspectives: the automotive industry; IT and telecommunications; digital mapping and information services; and equipment and control system suppliers.
Part Three considers the issues from a public policy perspective, in particular: the economic case for investment and the benefits of the connected vehicle to road network operations.
Part Four explores in greater depth the issues associated with the deployment of co-operative systems, namely: technological issues, government-led activities, operational issues and legal and regulatory issues.
In the last chapter, the report offers some pointers on the way forward, in particular regarding the required close relationships between all sides of industry and public authorities.
Information sheet
- Date: 2012
- Author(s): Comité technique B.2 Exploitation des réseaux routiers / Technical Committee B.2 Road Network Operations
- Domain(s): Environment / Road Network Operations / Urban Mobility / General
- Type: Technical report 2012R02EN
- PIARC Ref.: 2012R02EN
- ISBN: 2-84060-246-6
- Number of pages: 59